Buckman: International Students RSA

Department and Code: Buckman Center for International Education -949

Immediate Supervisor: Rachel Gasser

Supervisor Email: gasser@rhodes.edu

Number of Student Associates in Position: 1

General Description of Position: Specific student associate responsibilities, job requirements, and as much information regarding the scope of the job as you can provide.

This position keeps out international student population informed with our news, resources, and events. Working together with the Marketing RSA for our office, the RSA for International Students provides information and content for InRhodes’ events and announcements. Requires close working relationship with the Marketing RSA at the Buckman Center.

This position also manages the iPA team (International Peer Advisors). Managing this team requires marketing the volunteer position and recruiting applicants, reviewing applications, selecting members, and then training them. This team consists of 10-12 Rhodes students who feel comfortable on the campus and in Memphis. The RSA leads the team in assisting our new international who are joining the campus for the first time. This involves airport pickups, moving international students into their dorm rooms, getting them used to the systems in the States (such as meals, class participation, etc.) and being willing to provide quick friendship and attachment to Rhodes.

Finally, this position is responsible for international student event panning – shopping trips, outings as a group, and programs on campus. The RSA and the iPA team are responsible for ordering food, picking it up, setting up the event and cleaning up. In this way, the RSA for International Students not only models the job for the iPAs, but also gets the iPAs actively involved in the events, giving them the experience of event management as well. In some cases. The RSA will coordinate with other student organizations on campus, such as ASIA, HOLA, RICE, etc.

Minimum Qualifications

A successful candidate for this position will have significant cross-cultural adaptive skills, possess strong communication and leadership skills, be self-motivated, and be able to complete assignments/projects without a great deal of supervision.

Preferred Qualifications

Experience managing a team of peers. Competence in cross-cultural communication/

Physical Demands: any heavy lifting, moving heavy objects, or long periods of sitting or standing. Make sure your job description is as ADA friendly as possible. Does your job require maneuvering of stairs or other unique physical requirements?

Physical demands of this position could include carrying good trays to events locations, using stairs, sitting at a desk for computer work, and speaking in front of an audience.