
Relationship Status = ?​

Entering into a relationship overseas should be approached with even more careful thought and consideration than you usually employ at home.  Relationships can be hard enough when you both are from the same language and country!
The idea of an international romance can be really exciting and you may be tempted to throw caution to the wind, but we urge you to consider all relationships carefully, from multiple vantage points, before making decisions that can remain with you long after your study abroad program is over.
Cultural Issues:
For starters, there are different cultural values and rules regarding dating and relationships.  Cultural norms and expectations where you are may be quite different from what you are used to. Really getting to know someone abroad can be made difficult simply by the short amount of time available.  In the US, it's normal to "ask around" about someone when you are interested in them, to see what other trusted people's opinions of them are; will you be able to do that with anyone in your host culture?  If everyone is new to you, how will you know whose opinion is trustworthy?
So Little Time... 
Additionally, recall that you will only be in your host country for a short period of time. You have several months, at most, to get as detailed a cultural immersion as you can.  Don't be distracted from your academic pursuits when you have such a limited time in your host country. The "What happens in Vegas..." mentality is damaging, because, in reality, what you experience anywhere stays with YOU, wherever you go.  Don't buy into that message!
A Relationship... or a Security Blanket?

And finally (though I could keep going), evaluate your reasons for wanting to enter into a relationship while you are studying abroad.  Are you truly attracted to the individual or are you struggling with homesickness, culture shock, or other adaptation concerns?  If that same person had been sitting next to you at Rhodes during your first week of school here, would you have been as keen to date them as you are now?
Take your time: you won't regret being careful.