STEM Cohort Experience

STEM Cohort 2024 group photo

Check out how the STEM Cohort Mentoring Program is Enhancing the Rhodes Experience...

  • The STEM Cohort gave me a sense of purpose and belonging at Rhodes... It was my driving force to stay at Rhodes and I was successful. It helped me find a community of people who I truly enjoy and who are like minded"
  • It literally CREATED the confidence that I have in myself in the field of pretty much everything"
  • This program has broadened the subjects that I was considering for my future career paths and has made me more confident in the fact that I belong in a STEM major."
  • "The mentoring program has provided me with the information I need to begin working towards my career such as summer program application information and personal statement workshops. It has also aided in my performance in my science classes."
  • "This program has helped me look for and secure educational opportunities outside of college, improve my resume, and find and take advantage of resources for difficult classes."
  • "It has made me feel more confident in my decision to come to a PWI as a minority student. I actually feel like I belong because of this STEM Cohort. Without it, I know for sure my experience would not be as enjoyable as it has been so far."
  • "I feel more strongly now that I belong in STEM because I get the privilege of talking to and meeting with those who look like me and are older than me. As a result, I know that if they can do it, I can do it too."
  • "It has made me feel better about choosing a "harder" STEM-based major as my major. This program has been a great support system for me and my experience at Rhodes has been much better because of it."
  • "Being in the STEM cohort mentoring program has given me a support structure here on campus and I feel much better knowing that there are people I can ask questions to. In addition, the unconditional support that Dr. Stoddard gives us mentees is another tremendous source of relief and has made my experience as a STEM major significantly better."