Department and Code: Student Support Services 942
Immediate Supervisor: Haeleah Lester
Supervisor Email:
Number of Student Associates in Position: 1
General Description of the Position:
This position is for an associate within the ALR office. This position adds another level to the SI leader program. It will help with training peer tutors & SI leaders and help with assessment and data collection for our tutoring and SI programs.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Perform SI observations for both new and returning SI leaders regularly.
- Meet with New SI leaders 1:1 regularly.
- Co-lead and help develop workshops for new peer tutors.
- Help develop surveys for students utilizing SI and/or peer tutoring.
- Help assess or collect survey data about peer education programs.
- Help track attendance to SI and peer tutoring.
- Review SI leader planning documents regularly to offer feedback.
Minimum Requirements:
Have previously been an SI leader and gone through all of the training
- Be a creative thinker
- Possess a passion for helping others develop as successful college students
- Make independent decisions based on the directives of the supervisor
- Communicate well in writing
- Comfortable speaking in front of a group
- Good with details and organization
- Willing to learn survey software (Qualtrics) and how to analyze data for reporting.