Student Life: Office of Student Success & Student Outreach & Support RSA
Department and Cod: Student Life –
Immediate Supervisor: Melissa Campbell
Supervisor Email:
Number of Student Associates in Position: 1
General Description of the Position:
This will be a split position for projects for two offices that are next door to one another and work collaboratively frequently. The RSA will be responsible for developing programming that results in greater connection and exchange among Rhodes first-generation college students. The RSA will also be responsible for assessing the programming for further identifying needs and improvements for the Office. The RSA will facilitate research in the community and of other college campuses to help both offices move forward in support that they can provide.
Student Success: The RSA will coordinate events, marketing, and communications for our first-generation college students.
- The RSA will research successful college campus events and practices; adapt best practices
to Rhodes’ campus culture; generate their own engagement activity
ideas; and plan, run, and assess activities on campus.
- The RSA will interview first-gen students, staff, and faculty to help with the creation of social media and website stories.
- The RSA will help evaluate survey data to provide a needs assessment for programming, events, and practices to meet those needs.
- The RSA will serve as a student member of the First-Generation Programming Committee (and/or the First-Gen Advisory Board once created).
Student Outreach & Support: The RSA will help the Student Outreach & Support Office to better establish both campus and community partnerships.
- This is a new office that is still developing best practices. The RSA will research successful college campus events and practices; adapt best practices to Rhodes’ campus culture; collaborate on promotion and proactive educational activities for the office with the staff member.
- The RSA will do outreach to community partners to learn more about their services and learn their preferences to become a referral for our community. Interview community partners to learn how the office can provide informed referrals to them.
- Develop helpful documents to provide students with steps when they have unmet basic needs.
Minimum Qualifications:
The key qualities for successful leadership in this position are:
- Ability to communicate and build relationships with students, faculty, staff, and community organizations
- Event planning and attention to details
- Writing for Email, Social Media Campaigns, Website, and Student User Guides
- Ability to manage time and meet deadlines
- Ability to do best practices research and create accurate guidelines based on research
- Desire to improve first-generation college student programming
- Desire to create additional campus and community partnerships for student support
Physical Demands: N/A