Do I Need Approval?

Requests from Rhodes Principal Invesitgators 

See our checklist to determine if you need approval. If you are unsure if you need approval, please speak with a member of the IRB for clarification.

Requests from non-Rhodes Principal Investigators

The Rhodes IRB will only review protocols that have a Rhodes affiliated Principal Investigator. Studies that make use of Rhodes facilities or involve systematic recruitment of Rhodes students, staff or faculty (through a Rhodes official or any Rhodes sanctioned student organization) for the sake of conducting research (e.g., an internet-based survey) must be approved by the Rhodes IRB. Therefore, investigators unaffiliated with Rhodes College that wish to engage in research with our community members or our facilities must find an appropriate and approved Rhodes Principal Investigator to sponsor the project and submit the IRB application. 

Multi-site studies or reviews

Studies involving two or more investigators at different research sites may be approved by the IRB affiliated with either site. Rhodes College IRB is willing to accept the approval of the other college’s IRB if an Individual Investigator Agreement or IRB Authorization Agreement is completed and submitted by the Rhodes co-PI with the original IRB application submitted to the other site. If Rhodes College IRB review is required, all procedures and policies are applicable (e.g., use Rhodes IRB application forms, submit documentation of ethics training for all on-site and off-site research team members, etc.).