Group Members

Will Eckenhoff
Will Eckenhoff
B.S. Allegheny College, 2006
Ph.D. Duquesne University, 2010, with Tomislav Pintauer
NSF Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the University of Rochester, 2011-2013, under Rich Eisenberg
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2013-2015, Visiting Professorship
Rhodes College, 2015-present
Wasif Abdullah 2024
Josh Seider 2024
Nick Suffern 2024
Nick Suffern 2024
Peyton Crest 2025
Peyton Crest 2025
Arjun Feist 2025
Arjun Feist 2025
Daniel Graham 2025
Emma McHale 2025
Nick Parker 2025
Meredith White 2025
Jonas Hostetler 2026
Kathleen Modder
Kathleen Modder 2026
Josiah Zhang 2027

Group Alumni:

Jared Briant ('23): Pilot in training

Emma Dove ('23):  Chemistry PhD Candidate – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Alex Hemphill ('23): Technical Solutions Engineer - Epic

Robbie Musicante ('23): Medical Student - University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Madeleine Davis ('22): Chemistry PhD Candidate – University of Southern California

Stephan Jean-Francois ('22): Gap year for medical school

Izzy Sipkema ('22): Masters in Teaching - Vanderbilt University

Scott Wicker ('22): Chemistry PhD Candidate – University of Texas at Austin

Sarah Helland ('21): Chemistry PhD Candidate – University of Washington

Nate Hames ('21): Chemical Engineering Masters Program – North Carolina State University

Srisowmya Manohar ('21): St. George's University – School of Medicine

Aby Binu ('21): MS in Data Science – Northeastern University

Keren Lee ('20): Chemistry PhD Candidate – University of Pittsburgh

Liam Rhodes ('20): Medical Student – University of Texas at Houston McGovern Medical School

Seth Rohlwing ('20): Medical Student – Kansas City University Medical School

Phillips Hutchison ('19): Chemistry PhD Candidate – Yale University

Mary Neil Hodl ('19): Masters of Pharmacology – Tulane University

Meghan Kiker ('19): Chemistry PhD Candidate –University of Texas at Austin

Cameron Tinker ('19): EMT and Anesthesia Tech.

Alison Chang (’18): Chemistry PhD Candidate – University of Oregon

John Dewar (’18): R&D Chemist at D-A Lubrications

Alex Graves (’17): Chemistry Education PhD Candidate - University of Northern Colorado