APA Paper Template

To simplify the process of formatting your course papers, we provide you this preformatted template that conforms to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). When you download this template, it will open an untitled Word document that you can use to write your paper. It is preferable to begin the writing process within this template (as opposed to a blank Word document). Be aware that copying and pasting text from other locations can bring in formatting along with the text. It is best to use the text-only function if pasting is necessary or to copy and paste material into Notepad or TextEdit before copying and pasting into Word. While this template is designed to assist you with formatting your thesis, you are ultimately responsible for ensuring the conformity of your work to these formatting standards.

If you are unfamiliar or having difficulties with using Word templates, watch this video. If you are still having problems or identify an error in the template, reach out to Dr. Joseph Kelly at kellyj@rhodes.edu.