Memphis Center Fellowship in the Arts

In an effort to promote innovative and engaged work, the Memphis Center at Rhodes College offers Fellowships in the Arts. While a variety of proposals will be considered, funding will be geared towards projects that encourage connections between campus and community. Some examples could include:

  • Partnership with local artists or arts organizations
  • Workshops or discussion groups
  • The development and staging of exhibits, performances or other public events
  • Education and outreach programs
  • Digital projects (archiving, preservation, mapping, etc.)
  • Research and creative work with local significance

 To receive a fellowship, students must collaborate with a faculty/staff mentor who will help shape the project and guide its execution. The mentor must agree to participate before the application is accepted. While the specifics of mentor/student interactions will differ based on each project, it is expected that they will meet regularly during the semester and collaborate on all facets of the fellowship work. During the course of their fellowships, all students and mentors will meet in cohort sessions (3 during the semester, 2 in the summer), to discuss projects and larger issues. Upon the completion of the fellowship, students will produce reflective essays – which, when applicable, will also include visual or audio material – and deposit materials related to their project in the Rhodes College digital archive. While we will attempt to fund all projects at maximum budgetary levels, we reserve the right to approve projects on lower funding levels based on project needs and availability of funds. Fellowship Specifics

  • Each fellowship consists of a $1,500 stipend for students, a $1,000 stipend for mentors, and a project budget of up to $500 to assist in the completion of their project.
    • If a project needs greater budgetary support, students can apply to receive a lower stipend and allocate more money towards project budgets. Please note this in the “Budget” section of the application.
    • Fellowships have the possibility of renewal depending on project needs and availability of funding. If applying for renewal, please complete a “Request for Renewal” for consideration by the selection committee.
  • Smaller project grants may be available depending on need and the availability of funding.
  • Students may submit collaborative proposals for group projects. For these, students must submit individual information forms, but only one group proposal. The proposed project budget can be increased up being commensurate with the number of students and mentors involved. 

 Application Procedures

  • Deadline for Spring fellowships is November 15th; Summer and Fall is March 15th
  • To apply, CLICK HERE  

Contact: Iris Mercado