2023 - 2024 Winning Photos

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 19th Annual World of Photos Contest! Below are the winning photos, which were announced in November 2023.

The Lynn Conlee People's Choice Award:

a young woman balances on rocks in a rushing stream
The not so 'Sticky Falls' by Lydia Gold (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

Urban Scenes

a mountain seen through a stone doorway
Third Place: Window on the Past by James Engman (Machu Pichu, Peru)
tourists pose with dancers in feathered headdresses and indigenous costumes
Second Place: Core Moments by Diaundra Beaty (Mexico)
a nighttime shot of a waterway in Venice
First Place: Venetian Sunset by Kerry Connors (Venice, Italy)


men on horseback galloping on a plain
Third Place: Iliq by Kate Shields (Republic of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan)
an old man play the accordion on a street in Italy for tips
Second Place: Matteo by Alivia Griwatch (Vatican City, Italy)
a young woman leaps in the street
First Place: Dancing in the Streets by Jadyn Scott (London, England)

Natural World

a rushing stream runs through a forest
Third Place: Banff - Canada by Stacie Owers (Banff, Canada)
close-up of a large lizard
Second Place: Black Iguana, Manuel Antonio National Park by James Engman (Costa Rica)
penguins walking along an icy shore of the ocean
First Place: March to the Water by Lauren Sefton (Antarctica)


a colorful tree hovers over a river bank with two canoes
Third Place: Sunset at the end of the Amu Daryo

“This is sunset at the end of the Amu Daryo, one of the two great rivers of Central Asia, which used to flow into the Aral Sea. Although this region has seen dramatic environmental transformation with the shrinking of the Aral Sea, this photo highlights the enduring life in and beauty of this place as the setting sun hits the fall foliage of a Euphrates Poplar, two small boats and the water of the Mezhdureche Reservoir. Instead of the pervasive satellite imagery depicting an empty and people-less wasteland, this photo reminds me of the need to look beyond catastrophe, to see how the Aral Sea region is still a place of value to its residents – both human and more-than-human.”


people line up to take a photo with a old-fashioned red phone booth
Second Place: London Phone Booth by Knight Champion (London, England)

“I was amazed at the number of people who waited in line to have their a picture taken with a decommissioned red London phone booth. I’m guessing most of them are too young to have ever used a phone booth, so they think this is very novel. (I didn’t have to wait in line to take this picture.)”


a small carved puppet in a window
First Place: Longing by Kerry Connors (Calcata, Italy)

“Calcata is a small village, currently inhabited by around 60 artisans who live communally. The village is set on a mountainside and is filled with hidden alleyways and secret passages. I had the opportunity to talk with the maker of these fantastical carvings. Originally from Denmark, she lives in a tiny apartment made of ancient stone, directly above her studio. She carves all types of creatures and hand sews their whimsical costumes. Visiting with her felt like living in a fairy tale.”