Informal Resolution

Informal Resolution Conference for Students

In cases not involving allegations of Sexual Violence (i.e., sexual harassment of a non-physical nature) or at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, the parties may opt to pursue an Informal Resolution Conference as an alternative to a Formal Resolution Hearing. An Informal Resolution Conference is a remedies-based, non-judicial approach designed to eliminate a potentially hostile working or academic environment. This process aims to assure fairness, to facilitate communication, and to maintain an equitable balance of power between the parties.

The decision to pursue an Informal Resolution Conference may be made when the College has sufficient information about the nature and scope of the reported conduct, activity or behavior as a result of its investigation. In all cases, the College reserves the right to determine following an investigation whether the College must proceed to a Formal Resolution Hearing in order to meet the College’s Title IX obligations. The Title IX Coordinator shall make an initial decision about whether the case qualifies for an Informal Resolution Conference, and if both parties then agree to pursue that path, the College will halt any investigation or scheduled Formal Resolution Hearing so that the parties can explore the possibility of informal resolution. Participation in an Informal Resolution Conference is voluntary, and either party can request to end the conference at any time and return the investigation or proceeding to its pre-conference status. Depending on the form of informal resolution used, it may be possible to maintain anonymity.

With consent of both the Claimant/First-Party Reporter and the Respondent, the Title IX Coordinator handling the case will designate an individual to act as the facilitator. The facilitator is not an advocate for any party. The role of the facilitator is to aid in the resolution of problems in a non-adversarial manner.

For cases selected to be resolved through an Informal Resolution Conference:

A. The parties will receive simultaneous written notice of the decision to initiate an Informal Resolution Conference.
B. The parties will have equal opportunity to respond to the evidence presented and to call appropriate and relevant factual witnesses.
C. The parties may be accompanied by an Advisor and/or a Supporter of their choosing, subject to the provisions above governing the selection and use of Advisors and Supporters.

The College will not compel face-to-face confrontation between the parties or participation in any particular form of informal resolution.

The Informal Resolution Conference ends when a resolution has been reached or when a party decides to end the process. Agreements reached in an Informal Resolution Conference are final and not subject to appeal.