Events Office

The Events Management System is the responsibility of the Manager of Campus Scheduling who acts as the Facilities Administrator for Rhodes. Any questions concerning the system should be directed to the College Events Office, 901-843-3888.

How to Reserve Space

On-Campus Requests. Requests by on-campus groups/individuals for the use of campus facilities throughout the calendar year must be initiated by completing a space reservation request on the Events Management System

For personal use of College facilities, see Fees for Space and Service.

Off-Campus Requests. Requests should be initiated with the College Events Office, 901-843-3888.

Contractual Use of Campus Facilities. Rental of campus facilities is contracted through the College Events Office. Off-campus organizations may contract for facility use if the use is consistent with the purposes of the College and there is written agreement as to the specific use of the facilities, dates, times, anticipated numbers and fees. Any contract with an off-campus group for regular extended use during the academic year will contain a caveat that an occasional substitution of rooms may be necessary if a conflict for use of space arises because of academic need. In all such instances, academic needs of the College have priority. The College reserves the right to substitute rooms if necessary.

A group contracting for the use of Rhodes facilities for a public event must include in any printed materials or advertisements the statement: “Facilities for this meeting are provided as a service by Rhodes College. This service in no way implies College sponsorship or endorsement.”

Special note: Non-Rhodes events are required to carry adequate liability insurance.

Fees for Space and Service The College does not charge Rhodes student groups, faculty or staff for their official use of College facilities. Individuals or groups outside their official capacity who request special services from such departments as Maintenance, Housekeeping, Housing, Campus Safety, Rhodes Dining Services, Information Technology Services, or the Meeman Center will be charged a rental fee and are expected to cover the costs for any additional expenses incurred by the College. Groups who wish to use space on campus should contact the College Events Office for fee information (901-843-3888). While the College does not rent space indiscriminately to all who request, the College is willing to rent its facilities to organizations whose purposes are consistent with the purposes of the College. Extenal clients using campus catering service or contracted audio-visual technicians are required to set up customer accounts with those vendors. 

Special note: Non-Rhodes events are required to carry adequate liability insurance.


Academic classes have first use priority in Rhodes College facilities. The College Events office will consider the following list when scheduling space (other than regularly scheduled academic classes) on Rhodes campus: 

  • College Events: Open Rhodes, Opening Convocation, Homecoming activities, Commencement activities, Family Weekend, Lecture Series, Etc.
    • Definition: An event is termed a “college” event if its basic intent is to provide to the College community as well as the greater Memphis community an educational opportunity representative of the educational mission of Rhodes. (Example: Springfield Lecture Series)
    • Scheduling: It is strongly recommended that no departmental or large student organization/body event should conflict with a college event.
    • Support: Due to the obvious public relations implications of a “college” event the sponsors of such events can expect active participation by Communications, Physical Plant, College Events and Campus Safety in publicity, announcements, mailings, and physical setups for the event. Normally, an administrative officer of the College or a faculty/staff member is designated to host the event, and this person is active in presenting the event. Advanced planning for a “college” event requires the coordinated efforts of many persons. Scheduling should occur a year or more in advance and support planning should begin three months in advance of the date of the event.
  • Departmental Events: Career Services Fair, Meet the Firms, Admissions Preview, Admissions Open House, Intramural and Club Sport Usage, Physical Education Classes, etc. 
    • Definition: A “Departmental” event has the basic intent to enhance/enrich/augment the academic program of the sponsoring department. (Example: The English Department’s Pearce Shakespeare Lecture) Though the event may well appeal to students, faculty, and others outside the academic department, its usual audience is within a department. In most cases a “departmental” event will relate to the program of the major in the department or to current developments in major-related fields. The general nature is more informal reflecting the fact that it is an extension of an academic program, not a special event sponsored by the College at large.
    • Scheduling: It is strongly recommended that no departmental or large student organization/body event should conflict with a college event.
    • Support: The sponsoring department has full responsibility for organizing and implementing the event. The sponsoring department is responsible for all logistical arrangements and planning should be done with a smaller audience in mind. Classrooms and seminar rooms should be reserved appropriate to the anticipated audience. It is likely that a mid-afternoon to late-afternoon time schedule is preferred. The presentation might even take the place of a regularly scheduled class. Though spontaneity may be valued in arranging for “departmental” events, it is expected that at least two weeks notice be given.
  • Student Activities Events: Concerts, Lectures, Dances, etc.
    • Definition: These events are those supported by the Rhodes Activities Board (RAB) for the student body.
    • Scheduling: No departmental or large student organization/body event should conflict with a college event.
    • Support: The sponsoring organization has full responsibility for organizing and implementing the event. Sponsoring organization is responsible for all logistical arrangements and planning.
  • Student Life: Dances, Social Events, etc. must be coordinated with the Student Life Office. 
    • Definition: Events planned and supported by individual student organizations for their members and guests
    • Scheduling: No departmental or large student organization/body event should conflict with a college event.
    • Support: The sponsoring organization has full responsibility for organizing and implementing the event. If off campus guests are expected, Campus Security must be included in event planning. The sponsoring organization is responsible for all logistical arrangements and planning.
  • All Other Events:
    • Definition: Activities that are sponsored by trustees, faculty, staff and/or students but which are not Rhodes activities, may request to rent space with the following qualifications.
    • There must be no conflict with the use by the academic community.
    • The use must be occasional and not regular/on-going
    • The request of an off-campus group (except groups contracted by College Events) must include an agreement that at least one member of the Rhodes faculty, a Rhodes student or a member of the Rhodes staff will attend the meeting/event, to assume the responsibility for the care of the facility, and to assure that the meeting/event is conducted in an orderly and responsible fashion.
    • Special services required from Physical Plant (such as Housekeeping, Grounds or Maintenance), Campus Safety, Information Technology Services, Meeman Center, etc. may incur fees.
    • Normally the venture should be not-for-profit. The meeting(s) should not be advertised or publicized in such a way that suggests that Rhodes endorses the purpose of the meeting or the organization. All public announcements of such meetings shall include the statement: “Facilities for this meeting are provided as a service by Rhodes College. This service in no way implies College sponsorship or endorsement.
    • Trustees, faculty, staff and students will be charged 50% of the facility rental rate charged to off-campus individuals and groups. All other direct charges for special set-ups, equipment, audio-visual aids, food service, catering and miscellaneous fees will be charged at standard rates applicable to all clients.
      A. Scheduling: No scheduled event in this category should conflict with a college event.    


Athletics facilities are the responsibility of the Director of Athletics and all requests for use of these facilities should be addressed to the Director of the Bryan Campus Life Center. Intercollegiate, intramural and club sport events, individual student, faculty and staff activities and other College programs have priority for use of the athletic facilities. Dependent children of faculty and staff may use the athletic facilities when there is no conflict with the users stated above. Use of the facilities is limited to posted operating hours.


Authorized Users:

  • Students, faculty, and staff may use the BCLC upon presentation of a valid Lynx Card.
  • Children 14 and younger are not permitted in the Fitness Room at any time.

Reservation of Space in the Bryan Campus Life Center (Excluding Crain Reception Hall and McCallum Ballroom). The following areas of the Bryan Campus Life Center may be reserved:

  • Three basketball courts in the Multi-Sports Forum
  • One classroom
  • Hardin Conference Room 
  • One aerobics/activity room

Rhodes users can request space in the BCLC through the Events Management System. Instructions are available on the College Events webpage.

For personal use of BCLC facilities, see Fees for Space and Services.

Off-campus users may contact the College Events office at (901) 843-3888. All requests for space in the BCLC are subject to the approval of the Athletics office.

Fees. In some cases, fees may apply to the reservation of space in the BCLC. For specific information, contact the Athletics office.

BCLC Outdoor Facilities. A variety of outdoor field and courts are available for events. Authorized users of the BCLC may utilize the outdoor facilities. Reservation policies are the same as those for the BCLC, with priority given to Intercollegiate Athletics, and Intramural/Club Sports.

Alburty Swimming Pool. The Alburty Swimming Pool is to be used only during posted hours of operation when pool staff is present. Unauthorized use will result in a $100 per person fine, and is a punishable trespassing offense. Violators may be prosecuted.

Crain Reception Hall and McCallum Ballroom. Reservation requests for Crain Reception Hall or the McCallum Ballroom should be directed to the College Events Office. Rhodes users can request space through the Events Management System. Instructions are available on the College Events webpage. 

On a space-available basis that presents no conflict with use by the campus community (1) Trustees, Full-Time Faculty, and Full-Time Staff may make requests for personal use of Crain Reception Hall or McCallum Ballroom for their immediate family; or (2) current students may make requests for personal use of Crain Reception Hall or McCallum Ballroom for themselves. Such requests may be made up to six months in advance of the proposed event and should be directed to the College Events Office who will coordinate all arrangements in accordance with Rhodes’ policies and procedures. Fees will be incurred for personal and/or private use of space. Trustees, faculty, staff, students and alumni will be charged 50% of the facility rental rate charged to off-campus individuals and groups. All other direct charges for special set-ups, equipment, audio-visual aids, food service, catering and miscellaneous fees will be charged at standard rates applicable to all clients.


The use of the Barret Library is limited to Rhodes students, faculty, and staff; the spouses and children of faculty and staff; certain friends of the College; and members of the Memphis Colleges and Schools Library Consortium. Use of the computer network is restricted to Rhodes students, faculty and staff.

The Director of the Barret Library shall develop the rules governing the use of the Barret Library by Library Consortium members.

  • Each Consortium member must have current I.D. from a Consortium institution, a Barret Library card (to be updated each term), and a current signature card on file at the Barret Library;
  • Library use by Consortium members must not interfere with the academic pursuits of Rhodes students and faculty;
  • Current members of the Memphis Library Consortium are: Memphis Theological Seminary, University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University and LeMoyne-Owen College.

Spouses of faculty and staff members are encouraged to use the Barret Library. The stacks are open to them with proper identification at the circulation desk. They may check books for a three-week period with the privilege of one renewal. They are subject to fines on overdue books as is the case with all patrons except members of the Rhodes faculty.

While children of faculty and staff members are welcome to use the library, it is requested that those below senior high school age be accompanied by their parents and that books be checked out in their parents’ name. Children who are in high school may register in their own names at the circulation desk and will be granted limited library privileges. Since the Barret Library cannot encourage high school students throughout the city to use its facilities, faculty and staff children are requested not to bring their friends who have no Rhodes connection.


The first priority for use of Hardie Auditorium is as academic space. Rhodes users can request use of the space through the Events Management System. Instructions are available on the College Events webpage.


Meeman Center for Lifelong Learning is one of Rhodes’ most active links to the Memphis community. The Center’s objective is to involve the public in programs consistent with the educational goals of the College. Income is generated through facility use and by providing service for conferences and meetings of organizations whose activities are consistent with the College’s mission.
To promote the fullest utilization of King Hall, the following procedures and policies have been established for use of the building. This is not to discourage use of the building by faculty, staff and student groups, but to assure that those uses are planned in advance and are flexible enough to be consistent with the mission of Meeman Center. Rhodes users can request use of the space through the Events Management System. Instructions are available on the College Events webpage.

Priorities. The first priority for use of Meeman Center (first floor in King Hall) is for Meeman Center students enrolled in institutes, seminars, continuing education classes and meetings and receptions for clients. These uses are occasional and Rhodes College departments are encouraged to use these facilities for meetings when the space is available. Regularly scheduled meetings are discouraged from using the first floor of King Hall and those that do must be willing to move or reschedule when an income-producing client requests a space. Meeman Center is client/service oriented and may substitute another space when conflicts arise.
General Regulations:

  • King Hall is a smoke-free building;
  • All on-campus users of the building are responsible for having the room set up to meet their needs and for returning it to its original condition immediately following their event. The groups or their campus sponsor(s) are responsible for all cleanup, housekeeping charges, and damage.


Rhodes alumni, Rhodes Trustees, full-time members of the Rhodes faculty, students and staff may request use of Rollow Avenue of Oaks or Fisher Garden for private functions. Rental equipment (e.g., chairs, tables, etc.) is the responsibility of the client. A rental fee is charged for use of facilities. Contact the College Events Office at ext. 3888 for more information.


Rhodes’ dining complex is a major center of student and campus life. As such, when the College is in regular session, all use of dining areas including Neely Hall (south hall of the refectory), Hyde Hall (north hall of the refectory), Goldman Hall and Rollow Hall (east and west halls of the refectory), McWhorter Dining Room, and The Davis Room by any groups must be approved by the College Events Office, who will coordinate with campus dining services. Rhodes users can request use of the space through the Events Management System

On a space-available basis that presents no conflict with use by the campus community, Trustees, Full-Time Faculty or Staff may make requests for personal use for the Refectory and its facilities.

Such requests may be made up to six months in advance of the proposed event and should be directed to the College Office, who will coordinate all arrangements in accordance with Rhodes’ policies and procedures. Fees will be incurred for personal use of space. Trustees, faculty, staff and students will be charged 50% of the facility rental rate charged to off-campus individuals and groups. All other direct charges for special set-ups, equipment, audio-visual aids, food service, catering and miscellaneous fees will be charged at standard rates applicable to all clients.

Welcome to the Event Management System (EMS). EMS allows the Rhodes Community to request spaces on campus for meetings, lectures, and special events. 

Faculty and Staff Requests

Please submit all meeting and space requests a minimum of three (3) business days prior to your start date. Faculty and staff should submit for any special event no later than two (2) weeks prior to the start date. 

A request submitted in EMS does not automatically approve usage. Once a submission is officially approved via email confirmation, you may proceed with planning. 

For more information on how to book in EMS please contact College Events at (901) 843-3888.

Registered Student Organization (RSO) Requests

Registered Student Organizations (RSO) will continue to use the Presence System to request space on campus for meetings and events. Organizations should request their meetings and events through the links below. A member of the Student Life staff will review all requests and contact the individual if further information is required.

Events –
Meetings -

Once approved, Student Life will enter the request into EMS. Student organizations should no longer enter any events into EMS. Meeting request should be submitted two (2) weeks prior and all event requests should be submitted four (4) weeks prior to the event date. 

For more information regarding the new student booking process please reach out to one of the Student Life Administrators below:

Greek Life Requests

Anne Strickland

Club Sports Requests

"J.B." Bone 

All other Student Organization Requests

Karen Gonski