Office of Faculty Development

a group of professors in a meeting

The Office of Faculty Development exists to enable Rhodes faculty to thrive throughout the lifecycle of their careers. The OFD promotes an institutional culture of mentoring relationships and effective support for professional development, so that teacher-scholars can flourish in classrooms, labs, and studios as well as within their scholarly disciplines. We believe that a diverse and inclusive community of faculty members is central to the College’s mission, and we are dedicated to facilitating an equitable and supportive culture that enhances the well-being and professional fulfillment of all faculty.

OFD programming and resources are designed to help faculty continue to learn, develop, and grow as teacher-scholars. We serve as advocates on behalf of the faculty, and we work to advance inclusive excellence at the College.

The Office of Faculty Development is guided by the following values:  

  • Inclusion: OFD recognizes that no one approach to faculty development works for everyone, and our office works to be responsive to differing needs, perspectives, disciplines, career stages, and identities.
  • Transparency: OFD supports a culture of information sharing, where college-wide expectations are shared in clear, accessible, and transparent ways with faculty. 
  • Balance: OFD promotes a culture of balance, between areas of professional responsibilities as well as between work and life in order to mitigate overwork or burnout.
  • Recognition: OFD champions a culture of recognition by honoring and celebrating faculty achievements and milestones.

Faculty Awards

two women in academic robes holding award plaques

Dolgoy and Peterson Presented Clarence Day Awards for Outstanding Teaching and Research

Dr. Larryn Peterson of the Department of Chemistry received the Clarence Day Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity. Dr. Erin Dolgoy of the Department of Politics and Law received the Clarence Day Award for Outstanding Teaching. They were recognized at the college’s annual Awards Convocation held on campus April 26, 2024. 

a blonde woman in academic robes holds an award plaque

Miller Receives Jameson M. Jones Award for Outstanding Faculty Service

Dr. Mary Miller, professor of biology at Rhodes, was presented the 2024 Jameson M. Jones Award for Outstanding Faculty Service on Aug. 26 at the college’s Opening Convocation.