Jameson Jones Award

The Jameson M. Jones Award for Outstanding Faculty Service:
This award continues a practice of recognizing faculty service first started by the Charles E. Diehl Society at the 1988 Founder's Day Convocation at Rhodes College.  The award received its name in 2005 in honor of Dr. Jameson M. Jones, a member of the Rhodes Class of 1936 who served as professor of moral philosophy and dean of the college from 1955 to 1971.
The award winner is a member of the Faculty who meets in an excellent fashion the service roles of all members of the Faculty; however, this person, by virtue of his or her actions and accomplishments, has worked beyond this expected level of service and demonstrates a commitment that exceeds what is expected.  The result of this work is reflected in the creation of a stronger community in which the development of students, the support of faculty and staff, and the overall aims of the College are more likely to be achieved.

Previous Award Recipients

NOMINATIONS ARE Due August 9, 2024 by Noon.

Nominations can be submitted electronically to academicaffairs@rhodes.edu.