Walking @ Rhodes


The Benefits of Walking

Walking is a low-impact exercise with several health benefits. Just 10 minutes of walking can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and improve your mood. Who knew you could fit an everyday activity into your workout routine? 

Doctors recommend taking 7,000 – 10,000 steps a day. An easy way to get motivated and start walking is by using a pedometer. A study published in Consumer Reports says that people who wore a pedometer walked an additional 2,491 steps per day compared to those who didn’t wear one. Pedometers vary widely in price—some can be as much as $200—but others, including several iPhone apps, are much cheaper and cost as low as $4. 

This walking map can help you on your way to 10,000 steps a day! Enjoy Rhodes’ beautiful campus during lunch, on a break, and before or after work. One lap around the path is approximately one mile.