Leave of Absence Process

A student may pursue a leave of absence from Rhodes College for medical or personal needs. A leave of absence can be taken when requested between semesters for the upcoming fall or spring semester.

The Standards & Standing faculty committee approves requests for a personal or medical leave of absence. Leaves are granted for one semester and additional information must be submitted to extend a leave for a second semester.

Request a Leave of Absence


1. Read the Policies & Procedures Governing a Leave of Absence before submitting an application.

2. Schedule a LOA Meeting with Nicole Johnson or Alexa O'Hara to communicate about your needs and ask any questions regarding the policies for a leave.

3. Discuss important components of your leave with campus offices, including Financial Aid, International Programs, Residence Life, and your Faculty Advisor. 

4. Submit the application for a leave of absence.

5. If you live on campus, meet with your RA to check out of your room and turn in your room key before departing the campus. Please note that you will need to take all of your personal belongings with you.

6. Please also cancel your housing for the semester you will be on a leave of absence. You will want to communicate with Residence Life about your housing needs for the semester you plan to return. 

Additional Information:

  • Please communicate your decision for a leave of absence with a parent or guardian. Nicole Johnson and Alexa O'Hara are happy to include a parent or guardian in our LOA Meeting if desired by the student.  
  • You will maintain access to your Rhodes email address while you are on leave from the college, and we strongly encourage that you check this email from time to time. Offices like the Bursar, Registrar, Financial Aid, and Residence Life will continue to email you about important deadlines at this email address.