Outstanding Teaching Award


Eligibility – Full-time members of the Rhodes Faculty who have taught at least three years at Rhodes and who have not previously been awarded this prize.
Criteria for Selection – The award recipient demonstrates excellent teaching over the past three years as reflected in student course evaluations, colleague assessments, and other evidence of an overall high quality of teaching in an undergraduate liberal arts environment.
The award recipient’s teaching embodies imaginative and creative pedagogy and exhibits currency in the subjects taught.
The award recipient has a strong record of motivating students toward advanced study in the award recipient’s discipline or in the students’ own chosen areas of study.
Nominations –  should be forwarded to the office of Academic Affairs and must be received by Mid-April.  The nominator should provide a written statement that describes how the nominee’s teaching meets the criteria stated.  Nominations can be submitted electronically to academicaffairs@rhodes.edu.
Past awardees are:
1981        Jack Russell                  
1982        Marshall McMahon        
1983        Larry Lacy                    
1984        Jim Vest                      
1985        Fred Neal                     
1986        E. Llewellyn Queener    
1987        Sue Legge                    
1988        Terry Hill                      
1989        Michael McLain            
1990        Cynthia Marshall          
1991    Tom Jolly                  
 1992    Ken Williams        
1993    Jennifer Brady                  
1994    Horst Dinkelacker         
1995    Carolyn Jaslow       
1996    Julia “Cookie” Ewing  
1997    Brad Pendley               
1998    Ellen Armour      
1999    Michael Drompp   
2000    Brian Shaffer     
2001    Steve Haynes      
2002    Marshall Boswell                                       
2003    Brent Hoffmeister   
2004    Tim Huebner 
2005    Steve Ceccoli        
2006    Tina Barr
2007    Pat Shade
2008    Mark Muesse
2009    Eric Henager
2010    Gordon Bigelow
2011    Bernadette McNary-Zak
2012    Luther Ivory
2013    Thomas Bryant
2014    Teresa Beckham Gramm
2015     Loretta Jackson-Hayes
2016     Scott Newstok
2017     Marcus Pohlmann
2018     Charles McKinney
2019     Amy Risley
2020     Geoff Maddox
2021     Brian Larkins
2022     Rebecca Finlayson
2023     David McCarthy
2024     Erin Dolgoy