Counseling Center

In today’s ever-changing world, support is more important than ever. In an effort to ensure that students have a wide variety of support options, Rhodes now has more ways for students to access mental health resources 24/7/365.
In Crisis?
If you or someone you know has need for emergency after-hours care, including thoughts of suicide and/or self-harm, and the risk seems imminent:
Call Campus Safety at 901-843-3333 (on-campus)
Call 911
or go immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, and the risk does not seem imminent:
During business hours (8:30am to 5:00pm, Mon-Fri): Call (901) 843-3128 or immediately walk in to the Student Counseling Center in the Moore Moore Building (next to the Refectory) for a crisis session.
After Hours or on weekends: Any Rhodes student who requires urgent or emergency counseling services outside of regular office hours can call 1-855-850-4301.
Campus Safety is also available if you or someone you care about needs assistance or crisis counseling outside regular office hours: (901) 843-3333.
Additional Crisis Resources
Additional Crisis Resources
Trevor Project Lifeline – (866) 488-7386 – LGBQT
“Saving Young LGBQT Lives.”
Steve Fund Text Line
Text STEVE to 741741 – People of Color - “Because the Mental Health and Wellbeing of People of Color Matters.”
Tennessee Crisis Text Line “I need help now.”
Text TN to 741741
Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network
1 (800) 273-TALK (8255)
Memphis Crisis Center "A lifeline of hope"
(901) 274-7477
National Runaway Safeline “Here to listen. Here to help.”
(800) 621-4000
Narcotics Anonymous
1 (888) – GET- HOPE (438-4673)
The Tennessee REDLINE is the 24/7/365 resource for substance abuse treatment referrals. Anyone can call or text 800-889-9789 for confidential referrals. (find local meetings)
Nar-Anon Family Groups
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Sexual Assault Resources
Any Rhodes student who has been sexually assaulted has the following options for obtaining support:
- Reports of sexual assault can be filed electronically and confidentially.
- Contact the Title IX Coordinator, Inez Warner, at or calling 901-843-3606.
Counseling Center staff are considered confidential resources and are not required to report an incident to the college. All other faculty and staff are mandatory reporters. For additional sexual assault resources, please see the Title IX resources page.
24/7/365 Support Line: 1-855-850-4301
A 24/7/365 support line staffed by master's level mental health professionals is available when students feel that they would want to reach out for mental health support.
- It is staffed exclusively by licensed mental health professionals.
- Students will have access to unlimited “in-the-moment” support and can get support in figuring out next steps.
- The 24/7/365 support line can work collaboratively with on-campus resources when needed.
- Counselor support anytime, anywhere
- Available to students on or off campus in the U.S. & abroad
On-Campus Services
The Student Counseling Center provides group counseling, short-term individual counseling, and same-day counseling sessions for students who are experiencing problems that are emotionally overwhelming or that are interfering with their capacity to perform to the best of their ability.
We have a team of licensed clinicians and interns who are available to meet with students for on-campus support.
Our Resources:
About the Counseling Center
Supporting Diversity
Supporting a Peer
Group Therapy and Support
Meet our Staff
Community Resources
Training Opportunities
Safe Zones
Follow us on Instagram!
Psychiatry Care Options
Psychiatry Via LynxConnect
Rhodes College has partnered with AcademicLiveCare (ALC) to create LynxConnect powered by ALC to provide free and confidential psychiatric services to all students. This telehealth psychiatric service is appropriate for students who:
Would like to meet with a psychiatric provider to discuss starting a medication
Are currently taking a psychiatric medication* and need to transition to a new provider for medication management
Have previously taken a psychiatric medication* and wish to obtain a new psychiatric evaluation and resume medication
*Excluding ADHD stimulants (e.g., Adderall, Concerta, Focalin, Ritalin, Vyvanse) and benzodiazepines (e.g., Klonopin, Xanax).
Who can use: Rhodes students who are currently enrolled in classes.
Cost: No charge
Confidentiality: This is a confidential service
Session Limit: 6 sessions per year
What to Expect
The psychiatrist will provide an evaluation, send any medication prescriptions to the pharmacy of the student's choice, and provide subsequent medication management at no charge to enrolled students.
A Rhodes College student can schedule their first appointment a telehealth psychiatric provider by:
Visting the LynxConnect website at: Rhodes College ALC | Telehealth (
Accessing the ‘Psychiatry’ link on the LynxConnect website
Following the Telehealth User Guide on LynxConnect website. The student will need the Service Key and Coupon Code contained in the User Guide when registering for telehealth psychiatric services.
Your Service Key for 2024-2025: RHODES
Your Coupon Code for 2024-2025: RHODES
For support in using this resource, please contact 1(866) 882-0343
In-the-moment counseling is available 24/7 to all students wherever they are located.
To talk to a counselor, call 1-855-850-4301.
Medication can provide improvement in well-being by reducing chronic depression, reducing debilitating anxiety, or improving mood stability.
Off-Campus Psychiatry
For students who are interested in setting up in-person psychiatry appointments with off-campus providers, such as students needing prescriptions for ADHD stimulant medications, our Psychiatry Referral Guide contains local, in-person options.
Telehealth Counseling
A fast, easy way to seek mental health services
Seeking behavioral health services is easier than ever with LynxConnect.
With LynxConnect, powered by AcademicLiveCare (ALC), all Rhodes students have access to 24/7 in the moment support, 12 virtual therapy sessions per year, and 6 virtual psychiatry sessions per academic year.
Speak to a masters level counselor 24/7 by calling 1 (855) 850-4301, or schedule a virtual appointment with a licensed psychologist, counselor, or psychiatrist to help with life's challenges by visiting
Take advantage of this incredible telehealth benefit by visiting and use the ALC User Guide for help signing up or for more information on services offered through AcademicLiveCare.
- Your Service Key for 2024-2025: RHODES
- Your Coupon Code for 2024-2025: RHODES
For support in using this resource, please contact 1(866) 882-0343
Wellness Resources
A Health and Wellness platform with life and wellbeing resources is available to all Rhodes students through LynxConnect powered by AcademicLiveCare at Welcome ( and enter AHP1 as the Company Code.
LibGuides: Counseling Resources
In today’s ever-changing world, support is more important than ever. In an effort to ensure that students have a wide variety of support options, Rhodes now has more ways for students to access mental health resources 24/7/365. Visit LibGuides: Counseling Resources for more information.

Call for support 24/7/365: 1-855-850-4301
Request an Appointment
On-Campus Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(closed 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.)