Time Approval and Leave Reporting Process

Included in the many responsibilities of a Supervisor are ensuring the accuracy of employees′ time worked and managing their time off. 



Supervisors should be familiar with the policies regarding work hours and how "Hours Worked" are documented.  The Fair Labor Standards Act requires employers to maintain specific records for Non-Exempt Employees and requires this information be accurate.  

Supervisors must review the accuracy of "Hours Worked" on every timesheet to ensure the hours and totals are correct.  Their signature on the timesheet verifies this information and confirms that the employee has signed and dated the completed form.  

Supervisors are also responsible for the designation of an authorized agent to approve timesheets in their absence.  The agent should have first hand knowledge of hours worked by the non-exempt employee so they are able to make informed decisions regarding the appropriateness of time reported.



Scheduled time away from work should be requested by the employee and approved by the supervisor with as much advance notice as possible.  If you have any questions about an employee′s accrued balance of leave time, please contact the Human Resources Department.

Employees with Director-level positions and above are responsible for maintaining individual records of time not worked.  All other exempt employees must report time not worked on an Exempt Employee Timesheet which the supervisor (or authorized agent) must verify and confirm with their signature. Timesheets should be submitted by the due date for the payroll during which the time off was taken.

If an employee is absent for three days due to illness or the illness of a family member, Family Medical Leave may be applicable.  Please notify the Benefits Services Manager immediately if this occurs.