Academic Accommodations

Reasonable academic accommodations are individualized and based on the nature of the documented disability and the requirements of specific courses. Academic accommodations are designed to meet the needs of students without fundamentally altering the nature of the college’s instructional programs. 

Important Note about Degree Requirements

Students with disabilities are expected to fully meet all academic requirements for the Rhodes undergraduate liberal arts degree, as the college does not waive or modify fundamental course or program requisites. Rhodes College requires that all degree candidates demonstrate proficiency in a language (Chinese, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Latin, Classical Greek, or Biblical Hebrew) at the level of third semester (201) courses. Language course waivers and substitutions are not granted on the basis of disability, however registered students with disabilities may apply for academic accommodations in these and other courses. Students are encouraged to consult with SAS on appropriate accommodations and resources at least one semester prior to taking a modern language or literatures course.  

Course Accessibility Letters

SAS sends each student with approved academic accommodations a course accessibility letter to share with their faculty. Students must share their accommodation letter with faculty and meet with them in order to implement the accommodations. Although students have the option to present accessibility letters to faculty at any point throughout the semester, SAS encourages students to schedule faculty meetings during first week of classes. Accommodations are not provided retroactively.

For more information on academic accommodations, or to request changes to an existing accommodation plan, contact SAS at