Temporary Disability Services

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides assistance to students who experience injuries or medical conditions that temporarily interfere with their ability to participate in the college’s educational program. 

Students with temporary impairments should complete the online accommodation request form and obtain documentation from their healthcare provider regarding functional limitations and the anticipated duration of the impairment. SAS will work with students regarding temporary access needs and campus resources. 

  • Provisional Accommodations—Students with temporary impairments may benefit from requesting provisional academic and/or housing accommodations.  
  • Assistive TechnologyAssistive technologies and/or auxiliary aids may benefit students with temporary disabilities by lessening or removing barriers (e.g., speech-to-text software, text-to-speech software, etc.). 
  • Lynx Cart—Complimentary intra-campus transportation service. Students should contact Campus Safety at 901-843-3880 to request an escort.
  • Campus Accessibility Map—The Campus Accessibility Map shows accessible pathways, ramps, building entrances, restroom locations, and parking spaces. 
  • Temporary Accessible Parking—Parking in accessible spaces on campus requires a state-issued temporary disability placard (e.g., TN temporary placard request process). 

Students experiencing a temporary illness (e.g., infection, flu, mono), not rising to the level of disability, are advised to email their faculty about their condition and work with them independently on any missed work.