Meet the 2024-25 Peer Academic Coaches

Esther Ballesteros
Hello, I am from Dallas, TX and currently navigating my senior year at Rhodes. As a dedicated Psychology major with a passion for Educational Studies, I’ve delved into courses like PSYC 150, 200, 211, 224, 229 and EDUC 222, 201, 310, 320. I know firsthand, the challenges that come with juggling academics, extracurriculars, personal well-being, and fun! Having learned from my mistakes, I have discovered strategies that have allowed me to flourish and thrive and I want to help you do the same! So come on, let's meet and together let’s unlock the strategies that’ll set you up for academic success and so much more! 
Schedule an appointment with me.

Jackie Boyanchek
I am a junior from Columbus, GA majoring in Neuroscience and minoring in French on the pre-med track. As a pre-med STEM major, I have taken a variety of pre-med classes (CHEM 120/125, CHEM 211, PSYC 150), as well as French classes (FREN 102+201) to ensure a blend of course disciplines in my schedule. Being active in multiple on and off-campus commitments like diplomats, acapella, Greek life, and volunteering, I've had lots of experience juggling academics and life, and learning how to prioritize. Like any student, I have had to overcome many challenges in my academic career thus far, but I have gathered valuable strategies and solutions that make each new challenge easier to conquer. I learned that with the right amount of planning, organization, and time-management, I can enjoy being a college student to the fullest extent, and I would love to help you find that balance in your own life. I am excited to work together and discover the best strategies for navigating your academic career.

Evie Drescher
My name is Evie, and I use they/them pronouns! I am a junior majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, and double minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies and Religious Studies. I am from the Franklin, TN area and have loved my time at Rhodes so far! I have taken primarily humanities classes thus far, including RELS 101 and 102, SPAN 102 and 201, PHIL 105, ECON 100, URBN 120, and PPE 110. I am a Bonner Scholar and participate in many organizations on campus, and I understand how difficult it can be to manage club meetings, office hour appointments, and work opportunities. Through committing myself to a variety of clubs and internships during my first year at Rhodes, I have learned how to organize my schedule and study effectively, so I am able to spend time on all my different interests. I would love to help you figure out how to work more efficiently through what you are obligated to do so you can spend more time doing the things you love! :)
Schedule an appointment with me 

Colin McCown
I am a senior double majoring in History and Religious Studies from Memphis, TN. While there is not truly any pre-law track, I am planning to attend law school after undergrad. As someone specializing in two humanities, I have taken a variety of classes including: HIST 271, HIST 283, RELS 276, HIST 255, HIST 288, HIST 105, ENG 190, RELS 101, and RELS 102. In addition to this, I have taken electives in PSYC 150, ANSO 103, and have credits for Biology and Calculus. Though I am comfortable working in STEM fields, I would probably say I am more experienced with the classic Liberal Arts courses. I hope I get the opportunity to help you with creating a successful plan for any and every class possible and look forward to meeting. Thanks!
Schedule an appointment with me.

Dylan Morris
I'm a senior and I intend to major in Biology or Environmental Science. Since I intend to major in biology/environmental science field of study but only a sophomore, I have taken a variety of intro STEM classes (BIO 130, 140, 120; CHEM 120; ENVS 150) in addition to humanities coursework. As a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity, Kinney Co-Director, Rhodes diplomat and a regular community volunteer, I understand how difficult it can be to balance a rigorous academic course load and still be able to enjoy extracurricular activities and social events. College is not easy; I’ve faced a variety of academic obstacles during my time so far at Rhodes and have come out a better student. Meet with me and we can work together to figure out how to make your academic experience as manageable as possible. 
Schedule an appointment with me.

Lila Saunders
I am a junior majoring in neuroscience and minoring in chemistry from Gloucester, VA. Being on the pre-med track, I have taken a variety of STEM classes (BIO 130, 140; CHEM 120, NEURO 270, and the corresponding labs), as well as courses such as HUM 101, 102; SPAN 102, 201; and PSYCH 150. Being a member of Rhodes College Dance Company (RCDC), and a volunteer at St. Jude, I have learned how to perfect time management so that I am able to spend time doing things I enjoy outside of academics. During freshman year, I learned that college took a little time to adjust; therefore, when meeting with me I will share strategies with you to better prepare for possible challenges in the academic year. I look forward to meeting with you!
Schedule an appointment with me.

Clara Sullivan
I am a senior Computer Science major and Business minor from Jupiter, FL! I came into Rhodes undecided about my major, so I have taken a wide array of courses ranging from CHIN 101, 102, 201 to BIOL 130, 140 and CHEM 120. Since deciding on my major and minor, I have had the opportunity to take other exciting courses such as: COMP 141, 142, 172, 241; BUS 241 and ECON 100. As an active PA leader, RSG member, and participant in Greek life, I understand how challenging it can be to balance a rigorous course load while still enjoying extracurriculars and finding time to unwind. Over the past three years, I have learned a lot about time management and finding the most effective way to spend my time so I can be successful in my academics and feel socially fulfilled. I would love to meet with you to help find the most successful plan for you! 
Schedule an appointment with me.