Exploring Majors & Careers with PathwayU
PathwayU offers a variety of career planning tools, including free online career assessments focusing on interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences. Use PathwayU to become more self aware as you begin your career exploration process. On PathwayU, you can also:
- Learn about possible paths by taking assessments that will help you consider what is important to you.
- Explore the different career paths that align with your interests and values.
- Prepare for future jobs by learning about your strengths and the type of environment you excel in.
- Discover purpose and meaning while exploring majors and occupations that align with your interests, personality, values and workplace preferences.
How to Use PathwayU
- Log into PathwayU by selecting “join now” and filling out the necessary account information.
- Begin PathwayU. To begin the assessments, click “Get Started.”
- Take each of the four assessments (Interests, Values, Personality, and Workplace Preferences). You do not need to take all four assessments in one sitting, but you do have to complete each individual assessment in its entirety, or your work will not be saved.
- Navigating PathwayU. If you have completed some of your assessments, but not all them, simply return to your Assessments page and click on any remaining assessments to finish them.
- Click on Careers once you have completed all four of your assessments to view suggested career paths based on your assessment results.
- Want to learn more or better understand your next steps? To explore your assessment results and schedule an appointment with your Career Advisor visit the Rhodes College Handshake Profile.