Practical Hints for Living in Memphis
General Memphis Facts
- Founded in 1819 on land previously inhabited by Chickasaw nation.
- Was named after ancient Egyptian city.
- 2nd largest city in TN.
- Population of 621,777
- Known as “Home of the Blues and Birthplace of Rock’n’Roll
- Memphis is mentioned in more songs that any city in the world.
General Memphis Tips
- You should always carry some form of I.D. (your University I.D. is best on campus) and know your phone number and complete address. You will often be asked to present this information.
- Memphis is very spread out. Generally, Memphis is “inside the loop” with the outlying Shelby County suburbs of Bartlett, Cordova, Germantown, Millington, Collierville, etc.
- There is an interstate that “loops” the city of Memphis which is called I-240. The main streets that run through most of Memphis are Poplar, North Parkway/Summer, Walnut Grove/Union.
- Rhodes is in an area of Memphis called “Midtown.”
English Slang
English slang can take time to learn. Americans use slang frequently in everyday life. It's ok to ask people the meaning of the slang expression (and you may find that Americans cannot define slang terms easily!)
- BE CAUTIOUS- ALWAYS - of using derogatory words referring to a person's race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, and age. Even if you hear words in movies or songs that you think are cool, be sure to check their meaning. Rhodes is serious about diversity and inclusion and will not tolerate harrassing or biased language.
- Here is the College's complete Committment to Diversity: "A diverse learning community is a necessary element of a residential liberal arts education. We, the members of the Rhodes College community, are committed to creating a community where diversity is valued and welcomed. To that end, Rhodes College does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender identity or expression, color, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and national or ethnic origin, and will not tolerate harassment or discrimination on those bases. We are committed to providing an open learning environment. Freedom of thought, a healthy exchange of ideas, and an appreciation of diverse perspectives are fundamental characteristics of a community of scholars. To promote such an academic and social environment we expect integrity and honesty in our relationships with each other and openness to learning about and experiencing cultural diversity. We believe that these qualities are crucial to fostering social and intellectual maturity. Intellectual maturity also requires individual struggle with unfamiliar ideas. We recognize that our views and convictions will be challenged, and we expect this challenge to take place in a climate of tolerance and mutual respect."
Weather in Memphis
Memphis climate has a wide range of temperatures which vary from 20 degrees Fahrenheit in January and February to 100 degrees Fahrenheit in July and August. Rain and thunderstorms occur regularly. Snow and ice usually happen once a year.
It may be scary to experience severe weather such as severe thunderstorms and tornado warnings for the first time if you are not used to them. It is a good idea to download a weather app to get the latest weather alerts.
Every week, Memphis tests their tornado sirens on a regularly scheduled basis. The siren is tested every Wednesday at 3:30pm. You will hear these tests, but don't be alarmed. However, when a tornado warning has been issued by the Weather Service, the tornado sirens will sound, indicating that you should take cover immediately because a tornado has been seen in the area.
Things to do in Memphis are not hard to find if you know where to look
- I Love Memphis Blog and Choose901 provide a comprehensive list of things going on in Memphis.
- Get Down Memphis provides a list of things to do in Downtown Memphis.
- There are a variety of options to dine out in Memphis at all price points. Nicer restaurants will require a reservation, which you can make on Open Table or Resy. Buffet restaurants let you pay a set price and then you get to eat as much as you want. Don't share meals when you go to a buffet.
- Memphis has lots of movie theaters which show new movies, but we want to especially mention Malco's Studio on the Square in Overton Square, Midtown, which shows foreign and alternative movies.
Grocery Stores
- Kroger, Aldi, SuperLo, Whole Foods, Fresh Market and Sprouts are the main grocery chains in Memphis.
- Wal Mart, Target, Costco, and Sams are also grocery stores that also sell other items.
- There are a variety of international grocery stores around Memphis for a variety of cuisines.
Living Off-Campus - Utilities
To have your apartment utilities (electricity, gas and water) turned on, you must call the Memphis Light, Gas & Water (MLGW) Customer Service line at 544-6549. MLGW does require a Social Security number; however, you should be able to establish service initially by showing your passport, I-20, I-94, and Rhodes I.D. card and then supplying your Social Security number to MLGW as soon as you receive it. You will receive one monthly bill covering usage of electricity, water, gas, sewer, and garbage/recycling pick-up.